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Поделиться22 мая, 2022г. 01:04:13
We arrived at the cottage in the morning, settled down. By the time they covered the clearing, it had become hot. I set up a barbecue grill. Rita suggested while the kebabs are preparing to sunbathe. The girls are undressed. Inna was wearing a white one-piece swimsuit, a classic cut, Rita was wearing a black one-piece swimsuit with high thongs, and this little bitch was lying with her legs apart and slightly bent. In short, I don’t know how the kebabs didn’t burn.
I don’t know how I managed to win her heart, but the next 2 years flew by with her like 2 weeks, during which we quarreled and measured many times, tried all the poses of the Kamasutra and I decided that it was probably time to propose to her by buying a ring and having ordered a restaurant in January 2019, he did it. She cried and hugged me, was happy and agreed.
liveartbcs.com/serbia/20-03-2022-1. “I think so,” I replied, blushing.
Now, he is standing under the window. Mom is still late. And by the way, don't tell her anything! Promise?
After such a pile of information, I was in mixed shock, I tried to say something, but the language did not listen to me at all.
Hello. Hello. Fine. What do you think? Don't worry about it. Didn't guess. Of course I want. No, I didn't rub it. Now? Well I do not know. See what you offer me. Aha, pervert, you have to think. Of course I want. Of course I will. It takes me a long time to get dressed. I think I can. I'll ask nicely. He won't refuse me. I know better, he is my sweetheart ... Yes, a cat? Do you love me? Will you let me go to Dimka for half an hour? Well, zay, please, we'll just sit and drink tea. Thank you cat... Well, you heard, I'll come right now, but you haven't washed yourself yet. Well, that's too much. I won't ask him that. He won't refuse me, but I won't. Yes? Mmm, intrigued. Okay, I'll ask... Kotik, can I spend the night at Dimka's, so as not to wake you up, but you lie down and rest for now, okay? We won't do anything like that. Honestly, friends will come to him again, we will just lie under the covers and fall asleep. You know how much I love to chat under the covers? Well, of course naked, who goes to bed dressed. And I'll cover the holes with my hands and let them poke, they won't succeed. Well, zay, well, do not be harmful. Let them not splash me. I'll wipe it with a napkin, and then you will wash me. I'm kidding, cat, we'll just talk and that's it, honestly honestly. Thank you, darling... You see, he let me go for the night. Oh all you need to know. Licking. Let me lick. You promised me something else, they can lick me at home. Yep, as you guessed. Don't be clever, otherwise I won't come, It's the same. Only let's go without cards today and you changed the sheets after yesterday? Well, I'll be there soon...
My name is Dmitry, I am a successful businessman, a person who has enough in life, wealthy, surrounded by a comfortable life, a big house, an expensive car, but my most precious wealth is my wonderful wife Ekaterina, her appearance fully corresponds to my status, she is a 28 year old brunette, height 182, long beautiful legs, an amazing figure, real beautiful breasts of 3 sizes, and a chic, inflated ass.
Поделиться37 декабря, 2022г. 02:19:17
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Поделиться46 декабря, 2023г. 20:13:00
Признаки обмана, мошенничества
Когда реальные отзывы настолько отличаются от тех, что брокер размещает на своем официальном сайте, вывод очевиден. Вряд ли перед нами честный и прозрачный посредник. К тому же, мы нашли и другие спорные моменты.
Срок существования проекта
Трейдеров пытаются убедить в том, что Esperio появился в отрасли еще в 2012 году. Это утверждение можно прочесть в коротком описании самой компании, и заметить в футере сайта. Однако ничего общего с реальным положением вещей такие заявления не имеют. В отзывах авторы пишут об отсутствии узнаваемости бренда не просто так. До недавнего времени о таком посреднике никто не знал.
Данные веб-архива показывают, что брокер занял сайт в июне 2021 года. В самом деле, сложно представить, чтобы за 10 лет работы действительно надежный брокер так и остался для большинства трейдеров неузнаваемым.
С юридическими данными у Esperio вообще произошла какая-то путаница. Брокер указывает в качестве управляющей компании некую OFG Cap LTD. При этом в реестр Сент-Винсент и Гренадин она должна быть внесена под номером 20603. Разумеется, мы не нашли ни одного упоминания о таком наборе цифр.
Но хотя бы OFG Cap, правда, не LTD, а LLC все-таки существует. Кстати, она была инкорпорирована в 2022 году, даже позже, чем появился официальный сайт. Уж совсем никак не в 2012. В футере указана недостоверная информация.
Добавить ко всему перечисленному стоит и то, что гренадинский офшор — не самое лучшее место в мире для регистрации бизнеса. Вернее, для мошенников, конечно, сойдет. А вот у клиентов, особенно трейдеров, могут возникнуть существенные проблемы при сотрудничестве с такими компаниями.